5 Inspiring Resources For A More Empowered You In 2022

When the New Year’s Eve Ball drops, it can feel like the holiday season has come to an instantaneous end. The novelty of New Year’s Eve celebrations often wears off, not only with a brutal hangover, but also a colossal anxiety wave, which can be coupled with guilt related to overindulgence in the festivities of the season. Although immediate urges may be to get back into your work-out routine, or participate in a dry January, and embrace the “New Year, New Me” phenomenon, your power is often misdirected. Instead, why not treat the end of the holiday season as an opportunity to reignite the flames of our passions and step into your own power? New year, more empowered you! 

The following video resources are examples of female leaders within their own distinctive fields, offering ideas or resources that these individuals each believe every female leader should lean into to strengthen resolve. So grab a coffee or a glass of wine and dive into these fantastic video resources to start your journey of “leveling up” to a more empowered you in 2022. 

1.  Why You Need To Be A B**** - Tabitha Coffey

Why You Need To Be A Bitch | Tabatha Coffey | TEDxStLouisWomen

Tabitha Coffey is a leader within her field of hairstyling who offers business and life coaching for women. Tabitha speaks about the importance of language and connotation with refreshing honesty. She utilizes language to promote growth, rather than using it as a weapon. She reminds us that when we are looking at another woman, we are indeed, looking in a mirror. She teaches the importance of being self aware, while promoting elevation in language within our communities.

2.  Stop Comparing Yourself to Others & Do THIS Instead - Leeor Alexandra

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others & Do THIS Instead

Leeor is an online personality who has created a platform based on the “New Thought Movement.” This is a community of people that have enriched their lives through spirituality surrounding the ideas of Rhonda Byrne in her viral book, The Secret. These ideas surround the viability in the Laws of Attraction, meaning (in brief): you attract good into your life if you have positive thoughts and energy, and the reverse for the negative. Leeor speaks on grounding ourselves when perceiving the world around us, and battling the temptation of comparison, especially with social media. Taking an alternative approach entrenched in spirituality, she challenges us to change our mindsets from being critical and damaging, to grateful and humble through her guidance on transforming negative emotions. This video is definitely a MUST VIEW resource for the avid social media user. 

3.  The Secret of My Success - Oprah Winfrey 

Oprah Winfrey: The Secret of My Success

In this brief 5-minute talk to the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Oprah speaks from personal experiences of her success as a global cultural leader. She addresses the importance of being grounded within oneself. It is clear that a major keystone in Oprah’s success is her ability to take advantage of her opportunities, despite what life has thrown her way. Can’t we all use more Oprah in our lives?

4.  Listening to Shame - Brené Brown


Brené speaks on the importance of vulnerability in being a good leader. Brené says: “The difficult thing is that vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you, and the last thing I’m willing to show you. In me, it’s weakness.” In this fantastic TED talk, the concepts of shame, courage, and empathy are discussed in detail in relation to leading. Looking for more Brené words of wisdom? Don’t forget to sign-up for our January 24th event.

5.  Speaking Freely - Bell Hooks

Speaking Freely: Bell Hooks

Influential speaker, writer, feminist, and activist Bell Hooks speaks on our society and the importance of love and speaking freely. Bell Hooks unfortunately passed away in December of 2021, although her memory and ideas can be celebrated through this short video. Throughout the interview she embodies the modern intellectual whose words impact every type of individual. Her words are meant to motivate and empower viewers as she speaks about remaining conscious of society’s censorship, while leading with liberated speech and love. 

This year, your annual resolutions may look a bit different than in years prior. Remember to go easy on yourself. During these times, it is important to reflect and take stock of what is important in your life now and in the future, as well as how this may have changed from years past. This year, in addition to focusing on the more traditional resolutions, maybe spend the time to gather ideas through the vehicles of modern leaders and intellectuals, that can enrich you as a person and a leader.

Reconsider the importance and connotation of language, or curb the temptation to compare ourselves to others. Perhaps you can make a goal of remaining more grounded, or reframing intrusive thoughts surrounding the display of vulnerability within your leadership. Bring awareness to the world around you, and be more critical of how leading with love can be a viable and impactful tool, especially in an extra chaotic world. Make a 2022 resolution that leads to a new, more empowered you.


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