You’re WORTH More Than Your Job

When we deny the story, it defines us. When we own the story, we can write a brave new ending.
— Brene Brown

At WORTH, we’ve been listening to your stories. Stories of layoffs, job loss, or changing roles. We witness you grieving your old life. We empathize with the feelings evoked by the question, “what do you do?”. Like you, we are hurting and sharing in this loss, unclear on how to move forward. Who are we supposed to be now? What is our worth?

Former Hotel General Manager and Author Theresa Lambert writes of a “service sacrifice attitude” she has seen exemplified by women in our industries. We’ve all sacrificed our sanity at the expense of the guest, the customer, the client. We’ve committed ourselves to the business or season, 24/7. We’ve worked crazy hours, endured enormous stress and burned out over and over again.

You didn’t put yourself through an industry career marathon for nothing. You did it because this business brings out a passion in people, for people. And all that devotion made you the woman you are today. So now it’s time to be in service to yourself. No sacrifices. You can still follow your dreams, but you need to get clear on exactly what you want. Re-write your goals. Deep dive and ask yourself if they include a focus on achieving or a focus on just breathing.

Repeat after us:

  • You are not defined by your job.

  • You are not measured by your title.  

  • Your worth is not found in a paycheque.

  • Your identity is not linked to a company.

This crisis is an opportunity to re-write your story. Don’t ever forget you are the author. We don’t know what the next pages will hold, but remember this is only one chapter.

The team at WORTH is available to talk and we want to hear your story. Email us at and we’ll happily connect and offer support.

With love,

The Women of WORTH Association 


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